2021 Transform Your Health Summit

Program & Replays
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06/28/2021 5:00:00 PM
06/29/2021 5:00:00 PM
06/30/2021 5:00:00 PM
Tantric Sensual Alchemy: Access Somatic Pleasure for Health and Wellbeing with Lauren Harkness, ACTE
07/01/2021 5:00:00 PM
07/02/2021 5:00:00 PM
Integrative and Yoga Strategies for Healthy Aging
Broadcast on June 29, 2021
With Manu Dawson CYNTh
Hosted by Nick Mattos
Manu Dawson shows us how to use the science of integrative and functional medicine, and the ancient science of yoga to optimize the aging process.
In This Session:
- Theories of aging
- Biochemistry of how the body ages
- Nutrients to optimize the aging process
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Certified Yoga Nutrition Therapist
Manu Dawson is a nutritional consultant of the Integral Yoga Natural Apothecary in New York. He is a dynamic teacher of yogic diet and nutrition, and a workshop leader on topics of cleansing, fasting, and detoxification. For the last few years he has successfully and safely guided many guests of the Yoga Retreat through this program of detoxification.
Manu Dawson CYNTh