2021 Transform Your Health Summit

Program & Replays
The live summit is over. However, you can still get the recordings and transcripts of all the summit sessions. Upgrade to receive unlimited access to the inspiration, resources, and powerful practices presented by the experts featured in the Transform Your Health Summit series.
Thousands of people like you from around the globe are gathering together to discover how to fix what needs mending inside, tap your individual magic, and optimize your self-care routine for lasting health.
Each segment is focused on a different healing modality hosted by a preeminent expert in the field.
More than 45 of the world’s foremost teachers will share deep insights and proven practices for building resilience across the full spectrum of self-care.
We call this approach to radiant health the 5 Pillars of Wellness, which are centered upon:
Mental Health & Wellness (Segment 1, with host Cassandra Vieten, scientist, psychologist, author, and visiting scholar at UC San Diego)
Ayurveda, Nutrition & Adaptogens (Segment 2, with host Nick Mattos, faculty recruitment and engagement manager for The Shift Network)
Movement for Life (Segment 3, with host Bernadette Pleasant, founder of Femme! and The Emotional Institute)
Resiliency (Segment 4, with host Dondi Dahlin, energy medicine consultant)
Spirit & Soul (Segment 5, with host Abiola Abrams, author, spiritual teacher, and global retreat leader)
These pillars are powerful tools that support your mental health, strengthen your mind-body connection, and uplift your soul.
Enjoy this special series!